Despite all this paperwork, digging continued. In Trench 1,
the corner tower is looking really good now- they’ve come down onto the floor
level in places and have picked up the foundation slabs on which it seems to
have been constructed. In the barracks, we’ve resumed unpicking the barrack
block again. Half of our lovely cobbled stable area has come up and we’ve dropped down onto a metalled
surface which appears to underlie the adjacent dividing wall. We’ve also
excavated a large pair of postholes which lie more or less in the middle of the
room (and roughly aligned on what might be some interior post-pads).
Over in bath-house, progress slowed down in the main
bath-house room as we focused on recording – drawing elevations and the
sections of the baulk. In the corridor area, the sections were also being
drawn. In the newly exposed area by the corridor, it looks like our putative
east-west corridor has turned back into an alcove symmetrical with its partner.
This is what we originally expected, although it is clear that the northern
wall continued eastwards.
In the area to the south of the bath-house the clay layer
continues to come out- we are going to have to take out the walls of the
structure to get back into sequence though. Excitingly, in the area just to the
west of the structure, just at the end of the day, we found a couple of what
appear to be mold fragments for making copper alloy objects - possibly studs or maybe a brooch fragment (
they need a good clean).
Lots to look forward to on Monday when our US group join us!
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